The University of Connecticut
Multa Corda, Una Causa...Many Hearts, One Purpose
COLORS: Green & White
SYMBOL: Columns

FLOWER: Lily of the Valley
JEWEL: Pearl
MASCOT: Giraffe
Our founders chose the colors green and white to represent growth and fellowship.
The columns of Alpha Epsilon Phi were added in 1916, the sorority's seventh year in existence. Each column of the insignia holds special significance to the members. The three columns Α, Ε and Φ represent faculty approval, student esteem and sorority fidelity, in order.
The Lily of the Valley was selected for its simple beauty and for the fact that it matches the sorority's colors.
The pearl is our gem because of its glowing beauty gained through years of growth.
Jenny the Giraffe was chosen as our mascot because giraffes stand tall and have large hearts.